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National Article Writing Competition- 2020

Who Are We?

SamVidhi is a socio-legal venture with an aim to encourage & provide a platform to all those who wish to hone their research skills and provide their diverse insights on the contemporary social, legal, environmental, political, economic and international developments. This platform has been crafted to disseminate quality and in-depth analysis and opinions pertaining to inter-disciplinary issues in the form of blogs.

Themes of the Competition-

1. The Powers, Responsibilities and Limitations of Judiciary During a Health Emergency;

2. Human Rights in the Digital Age;

3. The Relationship between Stringency of Law and Deterrence in Crime.

Rules of the Competition-

1. The article submitted must be the original work of the participant, any kind of plagiarism will attract disqualification.

2. The article must neither be published nor be under consideration for publication or contest elsewhere.

3. Co-authorship is permitted up to a maximum of two authors.

4. Each participant is allowed to make only one submission. In case anyone makes more than one submission, except the one prior in time, rest will not be considered.

5. The copyright over the article will vest with “SamVidhi”. In the event the article is republished or reproduced, the author will be given due credit.

6. In case of any dispute, the decision of the editorial board of SamVidhi shall be final.


1. The article should be an original work of the author and should neither be published nor be under consideration for publication anywhere else.

2. The word limit for the article is 1500-2000 words, inclusive of citations.

3. Co-authorship is permitted up to a maximum of two authors.

4. The Body and Endnotes of the article must have -

  • Font style: Times New Roman

  • Font Size: 12

  • Line Spacing: 1.5

  • Alignment: Justified

5. All the references could be either hyperlinked within the text itself or duly acknowledged in the Endnotes following a uniform style of citations.

6. Any kind of plagiarism will lead to disqualification of the manuscript.

7. The articles must be submitted in .doc or .docx format.

8. The submissions have to be made by email to with the subject "Submission: National Article Writing Competition".

9. The manuscript must not contain any details about the authors or their institutional affiliations. Any kind of disclosures within the text shall lead to immediate disqualification of the article.

10. The body of the email shall specify the name(s) of the author(s), theme, the title of the article, year of study (in the form- __/5, or __/3 for 5-years and 3-years course respectively), name of the college/university, e-mail address and contact number.

11. The copyright over the article will get transferred to “SamVidhi”. In the event the articles are republished or reproduced, the authors of the same will be given due credit of their work.

12. In case of any dispute, the decision of the editorial board of SamVidhi shall be final.


1. Cash Prize worth Rs. 3000.

1st position: Rs. 1500; 2nd & 3rd positions: Rs. 750 each;

2. Internship opportunities for the Top 2 at the Chambers of AORs, Supreme Court*;

3. Publication for top 7 entries;

4. Free publication of one paper in future in JLSR Journal (ISSN(O): 2582 306X) for the Top 2;

5. Discount in online courses by;

6. All the participants shall get an e-certificate.

The competition shall be judged by the professionals and practitioners having expertise in the subject.


1. Participation fee: Rs. 100 (Single Author)

Rs. 150 (Co-authorship)

Payment of fee can be done using Paytm or Google Pay on the number 9537317892.

2. After payment of fee, the author(s) needs to fill the google form here.

3. Deadlines: Last date for registration: May 10, 2020.

Last date for submission: May 15, 2020.


* the nature of the internship, whether at-chamber or long-distance, shall depend on the decision of the concerned Chamber.

In case of any query, please drop a mail at


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